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Welcome to 2024

First Published: Sat Jan 06 2024
Last Updated: Sat Jan 06 2024

Well it's the first week of 2024 so I'd better get a post out.

I hope everyone had a nice relaxing and enjoyable holiday break (for those of you who didn't, sending thoughts and all that).

I myself had a relatively relaxing break (still running as well ;)) 

Did pretty well out of Christmas, aside from seeing all the family (which I don't get to do often as much as I should). Got this awesome Lego Perseverance Rover


Played some 10th Edition Warhammer 40k with my eldest child


And was, thanks to my younger brothers, was given an Oculus Rift S, with which I have been geeking out in various Flight Sims (I have some videos but need to organise it a bit more)


Spent sometime pondering on why I can't seem to get myself organised to complete any of the projects that I want to. I have several suspicions but it's all got to be worked through.

Oh and I went to Sydney Zoo and took a couple of photos. I'll upload them into a gallery later.

2024 hasn't kicked off well for the world, so here's hoping that it gets better hey?