A picture of Scotch Thistle. Centred in the image is a thistle bulb with a deep purple flower.

Roll About: 2023-10-15

First Published: Sun Oct 15 2023
Last Updated: Sun Oct 15 2023

So every now and then I get into my power chair and go for a wander around where I live and take some photos. Up until now I've maybe posted about them on Instagram or Pixelfed, however this time I thought I would upload the best photos to the galleries here and write a post about it.

The headless swallow!

A swallow sits on a wire. Its wings are slightly out to balance itself and it has turned its head so that it can have a scratch. This gives it the appearance of having no head

Ibis on a Sunday Walk

An Ibis is walking along the grass next to a footpath. It's looking to the right of the image. In the foreground is a small branch partly obscuring the bird

Echidna on the Prowl

An Echidna is shuffling across the undergrowth next to a road.

Paws for a break

Several bunches of bright yellow Kangaroo Paw flowers  sit against a background of grey ground cover

A little bit of Scotland on the Rivulet

A picture of Scotch Thistle. Centred in the image is a thistle bulb with a deep purple flower.

There were other photos, but those were the best five I think.